a helping hand

Every day, our firefighters are at the forefront, protecting and serving our community, often making profound sacrifices in the process. These dedicated individuals are always there for us when we need them most, working tirelessly to ensure our safety and well-being. Yet, during their darkest hours, it's crucial that we, as a community, provide a strong, supportive safety net for them to fall back on.

This is precisely where the Castle Rock Professional Firefighters Foundation steps in. Our non-profit organization, recognized as a 501(c)(3), was established with the vision to provide Colorado's first responders and their families with the financial assistance they might require in challenging times.

We understand that life is unpredictable and often full of unexpected events that could lead to hardship, illness, or tragedy. During these trying times, our first responders should not have to worry about the financial burdens that might accompany these unfortunate circumstances. Our mission at the Castle Rock Professional Firefighters Foundation is to lighten that load by offering financial aid to any Colorado first responder or their immediate family member in need. Whether they're coping with a personal loss, battling an illness, or struggling with other hardships, we stand by their side, ready to help.

Applications for financial assistance can be made easily using the form provided below, making it a streamlined process for those who are eligible to access the support they need. Upon submission, our executive board will contact the individual making the nomination to confirm the details for the nominee, their eligibility, and the best way for support to be provided.

support our work

It is critical that we have resources available to help. The CRPFF is able to provide local firefighters and their families with support through fundraising efforts and contributions from generous community members like yourself. You can connect and support our work as a donor or sponsor using the form below.